TRS was contracted to do a bridge removal and replacement in Fort Meyers, Florida. The bridge is being fixed by removal of the whole bridge, replacement of caps and restoration of piles, and use of high strength fiber to bring an extension of life to this old timber bridge. The bridge was made with old timber elements from a timber bridge that had been in service for 40 years, and then removed due to replacement with concrete. This current bridge we lifted out of the gap was built originally with the reused wood material from the timber bridge that had been in service for 40 years. This bridge has now been in service with the old material for an additional 30 years, and we will restore it to stay in service another 50 years. That’s going to be 40+30+50 or 120 years. What other material does that? None. The reason it has to be repaired now is due to the use of vertical fasteners that originate from the top face (due to improper maintenance). It isn’t wood’s fault – it is what we (as society) are doing to use it that is to blame, and thus allow water to get to bright untreated wood, and cause decay inside the elements. The cap and piles that are being restored appeared to be sound from visual inspection from the outside, but internal decay was found with NDT (non-destructive testing) EPHOD® Through Compression Wave Technology inspection techniques. The degradation was found before the bridge failed in service, and now by selective bulleted repairs we will save the bridge for another 50 years. All of this done, for a FRACTION of the cost of re-building with concrete and steel.
Stay tuned to see further progress of this project!